In AWA Workshops, you will find a safe and supportive environment in which to write. Whether you are a brand new writer or a seasoned professional, the AWA method will give you the opportunity to write several times in each session. Because this is “new work”, just created and neither edited nor refined, it often comes most directly from the heart. All shared writing is treated with respect and honor.
In my workshops, everything we write (and yes, as your leader, I also respond to the prompts!) is treated as fiction to keep the focus on the writing, rather than the personal life of the writer. The workshop becomes a sacred space where all writing is kept confidential, based on the basic AWA principles about privacy and stories. Putting these principles into practice yields a very powerful workshop experience, unlike others you may have had. Although writing through this method is not therapy, it has great transformative and healing potential.
In addition to prompt writing workshops for writers of all levels, I also offer critique groups for more experienced writers.
Upcoming classes
Prompts to try at home
Take a prompt and write for ten minutes. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar. That comes later. Just put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and write without destination. You might be surprised by what comes up if you don’t allow the inner critic to interfere!